Sunday, July 29, 2012

Increase the Quality of Sperm, for Expectant Fathers

Good quality of male sperm is very important after marriage expecting pregnancy. Problems often lead to fertility problems in domestic conflicts. Actually, couples delay having children is not just the responsibility of women, both partners have the same equal equivalent role. The following specific suggestions to increase the quality of sperm, for expectant fathers.

Just as women experience menstrual disturbances associated with egg production, there is also a husband who has problems with sperm quality condition of the dam. Both of quantity and quality. In the medical field a specialist Andrology is an expert in the field of inspection and handling of the sperm disorder.
If a woman's egg production is affected in the function of hormones, the male - female in producing seed or sperm cells is greatly influenced by the hormone functions as well. There are a variety of hormones that affect the sperm production process, such as the hormone testosterone.

perm quality is supported by a well balanced nutritional condition of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and fat. By giving special attention to food intake, it is expected that the quality and quantity of sperm will increase. In a Dutch study showed that the number of sperm from a man who had deficiency of folic acid and zinc, can increase after taking 66 mg zinc supplement every day and folic acid 5 mg per day (quote).

Vitamins to increase sperm count and sperm movement, can be obtained from the fruit - fruit that contains vitamin C, vitamin E, among others strowberi, guava, tomatoes, oranges, greens, kiwi fruit Food items that contain beta carotene for mature sperm: Carrots , papaya, mango, dark green vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, etc..
Source of protein to keep the semen to be healthy, meat, poultry, fish, lamb, beef, etc.

Here are some things related to lifestyle that also need attention to improve fertility and increase the quality of men.
- Exercise regularly, always think positive in order tidakmudah stress.
- Avoid smoking and caffeine, alcoholic beverages starting at least 3 months prior to pregnancy planning.
- Avoid tight underwear.
- Do not overuse hot bath.
- Avoid being overweight or obese, in order to balance the hormone testosterone.
- Treated as early as possible when experiencing problems or urinary tract infections, bloody urine or genital ulcers or other diseases related to hormonal problems.
- No multiple sexual partners
- Get enough rest, when we sleep, the body's cells allowing the new switch is damaged, the body produces healthy cells that support the entire balance in the body.

Anne Hathaway Pixie Hairstyle "The Dark Knight Rises"

Anne Hathaway is currently a popular after starring in the new film "The Dark Knight Rises". As a figure of a beautiful woman who act as Selina Kyle aka "cat women" who became the talk of the Batman movie serial fans. As a beauty reviewer, obviously Anne Hathaway is beautiful and interesting figure. One of the interesting things is Anne Hathaway pixie hairstyle, pixie short haircut is different from the Cat Woman.

Anne Hathaway pixie short haircut
Anne Hathaway  "The Dark Knight Rises"


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some Foods that Contain Folic Acid in High

Nutrition, folic acid is important for pregnant women. The fetus is a baby in desperate need of folic acid for brain development, bone, and spinal cord.
What are some foods that contain lots of folic acid to the health of your baby? Some foods that contain folic acid in high amounts and in moderation, among others:

Folic Acid Content of Foods With High
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach, asparagus, turnips, etc.
  • Legumes such as chickpeas, beans, and lentils
  • yolk
  • baker's yeast
  • Grain products like pasta (including instant noodles), breads, and cereals (including ready to eat cereals such as instant oatmeal)
  • Sunflower seeds

Content of Foods With Folic Acid Medium
  • Fruits and fruit juices such as orange juice, pineapple juice, cantaloupe, melon, grape juice, banana, raspberry, and strawberry.
  • Vegetables and vegetable juices such as beet, corn, tomato juice, broccoli, bean sprouts, lettuce, and mustard greens.

In the meantime, here are 10 types of foods contain the most folic acid (for per 100 g food) along with the content of acid intake:
  • Oatmeal cereal (any kind): 1600 mcg
  • Raw beans: 658 mcg
  • Mint leaves raw: 530 mcg
  • Macam2 raw beans: 399 mcg
  • Broiler chicken fried: 379 mcg
  • Peanut butter: 373 mcg

Prevent Nausea During Pregnancy with Vitamin B

Pregnant women whose names are certainly familiar with Hyperemesis (nausea or vomiting). Nausea during pregnancy discomfort and how to reduce nausea during pregnancy. Although not all people experience it, but more than 70% of pregnant women have experienced Is symptoms, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are doctors that discovery, efforts to prevent nausea during pregnancy with vitamin B.

Hormonal changes into one of the causes of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. This fact can be prevented by keeping the intake of foods or supplements megnonsumsi doctor recommended.

Factor of hormonal changes, poor nutrition and low levels of vitamin B-6 in the body is thought to have contributed to trigger nausea or vomiting in pregnant women.

To reduce feelings of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, expectant mothers are encouraged to take vitamin B-6, especially in the 3-4 months prior to pregnancy.

The study also revealed that about 18-22 percent of pregnant women who did not experience nausea or vomiting had higher levels of vitamin B-6 is more than 222 nanograms. While the pregnant mothers who nausea or vomiting on average only 77 nanograms.

Some cases Hyperemesis (vomiting) in pregnant women usually do not require treatment. As long as the expectant mothers get a balanced and adequate nutrition each day, the symptoms of nausea and vomiting will disappear by itself.

But if Hyperemesis occurs in a relatively long time, this can result in either a nutritional deficiency in pregnant women and their fetuses. See a doctor immediately if you experience this.

How Robert Pattinson Maintain Athletic Body

Let's try to see a healthy lifestyle a young actor Robert Thomas Pattinson. How to maintain fitness and body shape is required. "Running and kickboxing is my favorite sport," he said. Routine activities for ideal body shape is certainly not easy, this is how Robert Pattinson maintain athletic body.

Is spaghetti lovers say that having the ideal body is not easy. "My body must stay within the ideal form, because every role I play demands. I should be more diligent practice and reduce my favorite food, "he added.

Unlike when he played in the Twilight series, the new film titled Bel Ami, Pattinson are required to increase their muscle mass to make it look more masculine. The "vampire" teen idol is also required for high-protein foods 5-6 times a day. These foods include lean meats, soy milk, and egg white.

In addition to running and kicboxing, a man 26 years is also often do bodyweight training on location. "Activities on the set quite solid, so I choose circuit training to save time. Jump squats, crunches, jumping lunges, and squats are the exercise that I normally do on the set. Usually, each as much as I do 10-15 reps, "said the lover Kristen Stewart in

Friday, July 27, 2012

When the Right Time to Drink Red Wine?

You must have known some kind of beverage, for a variety of health benefits. Green tea, milk, or red wine, known as the drink is capable of preventing premature aging. But when the right time to drink red wine? Find out, so you get the largest benefit some beverage.

Red wine
When to drink: Dinner
For dinner at home, you may not provide the usual red wine. But when you are attending a dinner, red wine and served over there, do not hesitate to sip. According to the Journal of Biological Chemistry, piceatannol (a compound produced by the body when you drink a glass of wine), can inhibit the growth of fat cells.

When to drink: Before bed
Apparently, not only babies are allowed to drink milk before bedtime. Adults are also advised to drink before bed. Does this make you sleep more soundly? I do not know. To be sure, will affect both calcium on bone health (preventing bone loss), whereas the protein is good for muscle strength. You will wake up in a state more fit and strong.

Green tea
When to drink: Lunch
By Jonathan R. Cole, MD, medical director of the California Health and Longevity Institute, green tea will boost your metabolism, and help prevent breast cancer. Black tea also has its advantages, including lowering blood pressure, according to research from the University of Western Australia.

Hot chocolate
When to drink: Snacking afternoon
In the afternoon, when it arrives at your snacking, do not forget to add the hot chocolate in your menu. Of course you can drink it in the cold, but hot cocoa have more antioxidant content than coffee, red wine or green tea. In addition, it is also good for the heart and skin health, according to a study from Cornell University.

When to drink: Breakfast
Coffee helps heart health, and reduce the risk of some cancers. If you want to encourage your body's metabolism, choose black coffee without sugar.

Why Men don't Give a Gift Jewelry for Women?

Most women love jewelry gift from her partner. However, do not expect he would give gifts of jewelry to her partner at the beginning of a relationship. Then why men don't give a gift jewelry for women?
During his life, the late Elizabeth Taylor was constantly bombarded with gifts of jewelry from her husband, as a form of expression of love and attention. But this expression of love as a consideration for today's man. In England, he waited about 32 months, to finally give the couple a gift of jewelry.

Surveys conducted QVC home shopping to more than 2,000 people in Britain find the facts. As many as 65 percent of British women claim to have never received a gift of jewelry for the last 12 months. While 44 percent of women feel confident, the other will give a gift of jewelry in the near future.

Many factors that make men delay to give a gift of jewelry to her partner. One in 10 men admitted to worry, a gift of jewelry into a symbol of a more serious relationship, while he was not ready to commit.

Gemma Savage, businessman QVC jewelry customer says, "This research shows British man seriously concerned about giving a gift to a partner. Concerns intention to stop making mistakes men to buy their partner a gift of jewelry."

British men also worry about the wrong in choosing jewelry models, which do not taste their partner. Buy jewelry that is not favored women, a problem which men try to avoid. Impact, men tend to delay the intention to buy jewelry.

In addition to a variety of reasons, men also do not buy jewelery gifts for financial reasons. As many as 16 percent of men admitted that prices tend to be expensive jewelry makes them discouraged buying jewelry gifts. On the other hand, as much as six percent of men claimed to fear their partner will leave him, because never give a gift of jewelry.


Why it is Difficult to Control Angry Emotional

Emotional that trigger anger, if it happens often is bad for yourself and also the surrounding environment. Anger is a natural thing that every person, but it's better if you can control the anger. Adverse effect of disturbing the peace and emotions can cause stress continues. The problem is why it is difficult to control angry emotional, which can occur at any time.

If the often emotional, a little emotion and temperament. When more difficult to control yourself angry, furious-furious is not clear. Every moment seemed to mind-it's always negative thoughts in your head, like a sudden fear, hate on something that does not clear the first place. Clearly this situation is not good for psychology, can trigger high blood pressure.

To try to control your emotions, so it's good if you look back at what Had to be the cause by observing what changes recently. If you have found, try your analysis, how certain conditions it can make you become angry and emotional.

Self-awareness of what is happening and the causes in which if the cause it is a way of beginning to address the emotional state that occurs suddenly is. If you have found you can talk with people you trust and were quite helpful. This is to get another perception of what you experienced.

Often we do not realize that what we face may not be for what is actually happening. Help others can be used as a tool for looking at this as well as the ability to self-identify.

If this path already, but you do not get results, there is a good idea to consult a mental health professional. I hope this answer helps.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Is it True that Cheese Can Reduce Risk of Diabetes?

Exactly what the health benefits of cheese. Dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamins known to help reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus. But of course must be balanced with a healthy diet and active. Whereas previously rarely revealing the relationship between cheese with diabetes. Is it true that cheese can reduce risk of diabetes?

Preliminary research by a team of European researchers say people who have the habit of eating cheese, 12 percent lower risk of developing diabetes than people who do not like cheese.

The study, published in the American Journal of Clinic Nutrition examines the extent to which the intake of dairy products affects the development of type-2 diabetes in eight European countries.

"Intake of total dairy products are not associated with diabetes. Consumption of cheese is one of the dairy products tend to have an inverse relationship with diabetes," said the researcher.

For those who do not like cheese, do not worry. Because the consumption of milk mixture is also associated with lower risk of diabetes, including other fermented products like yogurt and fermented milk.
Researchers could not explain why this correlation exists, but they suspect that it has to do with the fermentation process involved in making cheese.

Although the researchers did not specify the abstract conclusions which countries studied, the incidence of diabetes will probably tend to be lower for those with more active lifestyles. Researchers also confirmed that the reduced risk of diabetes in the population as a whole, not solely because cheese consumption only.
However, those who are already suffering from diabetes mellitus, consumption should be limited to the portions of cheese. American Diabetes Association recommends low-fat cheese as an option.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

9 Keys How to Maintain a Romantic Relationship

To maintain a romantic relationship, it is sometimes not easy. Would be easier if we knew how to maintain the relationship. We share 9 keys how to maintain a romantic relationship.
Your sweetie needs to know that you enjoy your time together, even when it's not a holiday or your anniversary. Include special treats, such as packing his favorite fruits in the picnic basket, or taking her to a restaurant where her favorite live music will be playing.

1. Tell your partner you love them.
Although it’s true that actions speak louder than words, words often speak more clearly than actions. Take a moment every now and then to verbalize your feelings for your partner. A simple “I love you” or “You mean the world to me” can go a long way towards making your significant other feel wanted, cared for, and secure in your relationship.

2. Show some affection.
Small acts of physical intimacy – the hand on the small of the back as you brush by in the hallway, your arm around their shoulder on the sofa, your hand on their thigh when seated side-by-side, holding hands while walking down the street – give your partner a warm feeling and convey the love and affection you feel for them. The littlest touch can be as important, or even more important, than the longest night of sexual intimacy.

3. Show appreciation for your partner.
Let your partner know on a regular basis what it is that you like most about them – what you admire, what makes you proud, what their strengths are in your eyes. Building a romantic relationship isn’t jsut about the initial bonding – it’s about encouraging and supporting each other’s growth over the course of your lives. Help your partner achieve his or her potential by constantly building them up.

4. Share yourself.
Don’t keep your likes and dislikes, dreams and fears, achievements and mistakes, or anything else to yourself. If it’s important to you, share it with your partner. More than that, be sure to share more with your partner than you do with anyone else. While there is certainly a need for some personal space in even the closest relationship, give as much of yourself and your time as you can bear to your partner.

5. Be there for your partner.
It’s obvious what you need to do when your partner faces a major life challenge like the loss of a job or the death of a loved one. But it’s just as important to be supportive when your partner faces life’s little challenges, too – an argument at work, a rough commute, a misplaced check. Don’t let yourself be a doormat, and definitely don’t stand for physical or verbal abuse, but thicken your skin a little and be the voice of calm and reason when chaos strikes. Listen to what’s bothering them and offer whatever help – even if it’s just sympathy – you can.

6. Give gifts.
Take advantages of opportunities to give material tokens of your love. Just the right book picked up at the bookstore, a special dessert, a piece of jewelry or clothing you noticed at the store – anything small or large that tells them you were thinking of them. Leave a love note for them, or send them an SMS at work to “I love you” – again, the little reminder that they’re always on your mind will help your partner feel better about themselves and secure in your relationship.

7. Respond gracefully to your partner’s demands and shortcomings.
A big killer of relationships is unreasonable expectations. Unless you married a robot, your partner comes pre-loaded with a whole range of human failures and foibles. These are features, not bugs! Learn to recognize and appreciate your partner’s quirks for what they are: an essential part of who they are as people. Since our weaknesses are often at the core of our deepest insecurities, make sure you don’t pick on or otherwise go out of your way to highlight your partner’s flaws.

8. Take nothing for granted.
Cultivate a daily sense of gratitude for your partner and the thousands of little blessings he or she has brought into your life. Remember that, if you’re happy in your relationship, your partner is doing a thousand little things for you every day to make your relationship work (as, hopefully, you are for them). Never take that for granted – a relationship is work of the highest order, and the second you stop it starts to slide away.

9. Strive for equality.
Make sure you follow the Golden Rule in your relationship: do unto your partner as you would have done unto you. Strive for a fair division of household duties and other tasks, and don’t expect or demand special considerations you’d be unwilling to offer in return.

Why Sweet Drinks are Considered Dangerous?

Why sweet drinks are considered dangerous? Actually, the sugar would be harmful if consumed in excess. Latest studies reveal the dangers of high sugar drinks consumption not only boost the body's weight but to mess up the body's metabolic system in just over a month. Your regular soft drink consumption can alter the body's ability to process fat metabolism.

Our bodies have the ability to make its cells regenerate. Replace damaged cells with new ones. If you are fond of the consumption of soft drinks high in sugar, the body's muscles will be more like their sugar as a fuel instead of fat. The bottom line of fat that should be automatic muscle fuel will not burn. Well, no wonder no fat burning body weight not only increases, more of it you will have difficulty in trying to reduce them. The danger is if it lasts longer in the long term will increase blood glucose levels that lead to diabetes.

Dr Hans-Peter Cabbage, of Bangor University, UK said: "Our study proves our concern has been about the ill effects of soft drink that's true."

"The study proved that the muscles of the body has the ability to recognize and be more like sugar sugar as fuel instead of fat. With so will dull the body's tolerance for sugar. Well, your efforts in reducing body fat becomes difficult, plus the rise in blood sugar levels rise sharp. "

These factors suggest that regular soft drink mengasup gradually changes the body's metabolism of sugar and fat. Metabolism that happens to be similar to those found in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

The study of 11 people in their twenties who were respondents, blood and muscle tissue was analyzed before and after they completed the study. The result after a month, an important gene and protein are useful for the metabolism of fat and sugar have the genes for sugar metabolism perubahan.Ternyata become dysfunctional. As a result the increase of fat and blood sugar.

"The fact that we found is not the only sugar which causes weight increased, but the more terrible the way the body stores sugar in greater amounts than required. These results apply to all types of soft drinks with high sugar content, including fruit juice."

"It was a small study because it is difficult to find young people who had never been exposed to a lot of soft drinks and are willing to undergo a muscle biopsy. Today we hope to do a larger study with more respondents, and the period is longer. "

How to Save Money at the Hair Salon

How expensive to cut the hair at the salon? choose a salon that provides services of high-priced hair scissors, hair pieces to ensure as expected.
Ways to save money from the salon habit. You can still get a look as expected without having to spend much money for a haircut at a high cost overruns should be. Ted Gibson, owner of Ted Gibson salon in Manhattan to give some advice, how to save money at the hair salon.

1. Find a salon that has a reliable hairdresser. That is a master hair stylist cutting hair with good technique. The sign, your haircut is maintained neatly despite the long hair began to grow. That way, you save the cost of trimming the hair at a rate sometimes as expensive haircut. Have hair a neat setting despite the long hair would save money because you do not have to go back to the salon just to straighten hair.

2. When doing a risk salon treatments, such as haircuts, coloring, smoothing, rebonding should not select any salon. Select salons and professional hair stylist. Selecting a professional salon will save 30-40 percent of the cost of salon hair care. Because if the treatment is wrong, you have many times come to the salon to repair damaged hair.

3. When the salon, see if there is a free offer them as a form of promotion. If there is, take advantage of this opportunity. For example, offers free smoothing bangs. Take this opportunity. If ever you want to cut your own bangs, bangs haircut should be in the condition of dry hair.

Ashley, Helena, Henar & Mayke All Wearing Very Sexy Pairs Of High Platform Heels

These are pictures of four very beautiful young ladies Ashley, Helena, Henar, & Mayke all wearing very sexy pairs of high platform heels. The first two pictures are of Ashley from the blog "Ashes into Fashion." She is wearing a jean jacket from OldNavy over a dress from F21, a quilted bag from Buffalo Exchange, and a pair of Nude Buffalo Exchange Platform Pumps. The third picture is of Helena from the blog "Brooklyn Blonde." She is wearing a blue blazer from H&M, over a J Crew tee, a pair of white pants from H&M, a leopard tote from ASOS, and a pair of Nude Patent Christian Louboutin 'Pigalle Plato' Platform Pumps. The fourth picture is of Henar from the blog "Oh My Vogue." She is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans from The Kooples, and a pair of Black Platform Sandals from Zara. The last pictures is of Mayke who is @mylovelyworld on Instagram. She is wearing a pair of jeans, and a pair of Red Peep-Toe Platform Pumps. I want to thank all four of the beautiful ladies for these incredible pictures. I hope that all of you like them, and enjoy this post.

Anni, Daniela & Dulce All Wearing Sexy Heels

These are pictures of three very beautiful young ladies Anni, Daniela & Dulce all wearing sexy pairs of heels. The girl in the first picture is Anni from the blog "FashionHippieLoves." She is wearing a blazer from Zara, a blouse from Hallhuber, a pair of jeans from Diesel, a clutch from Pieces, and a pair of Red Suede Carvela 'Grass' Peep-Toe Wedges. The girl in the second & third pictures is Daniela from the blog "Nany's Klozet." She is wearing a top from Beginning Boutique, a pair of pants from F21, a bag from Miami Boutique, and a pair of Red Suede Bakers 'Alecia' Platform Pumps. The girl in the fourth & fifth pictures is Dulce from the blog "Dulce Candy." She is wearing a jumper from her own collection, a clutch from Aldo, and a pair of Nude Suede Steve Madden Ankle-Strap Platform Pumps. I want to thank Anni, Daniela, & Dulce for taking these incredible pictures. I hope that all of you love them as much as I do, and enjoy this post.

Chloé, Katrina & Ulia All Wearing Sexy Heels

These are pictures of three very sexy ladies Chloé, Katrina & Ulia all wearing sexy pairs of heels. Chloé who is from the blog "The Hollywood Heels" is wearing a grey tee from F21, a pair of neon shorts from F21, a black bag from Zara, and a pair of Black Strappy Zara Platform Sandals. Katrina who is from the blog "Katrina Lomidze" is wearing a pink vintage shirt, a pair of light skinny jeans from H&M, a nude Chloe bag, and a pair of Nude Patent Christian Louboutin 'Bianca' Platform Pumps. Ulia who is from the blog "View From Heels" is wearing a sexy black flower printed mini dress, a pink purse from Guess, and a pair of Black & Cork Steve Madden Open-Toe Wedges. I want to thank all three of these incredible ladies for these absolutely stunning pictures. I hope that all of you like them as much as I do, and enjoy this post.

Jenna Dewan, Jessica Lowndes, Minka Kelly, & Shay Mitchell All Wearing Sexy Pairs Of Heels

These are pictures of four very beautiful & talented ladies Jenna Dewan, Jessica Lowndes, Minka Kelly, & Shay Mitchell all wearing sexy pairs of heels. The pictures of Jenna were taken on June 3, 2012 in Universal City at The 2012 MTV Movie Awards. She wore a Lublu dress, featuring a mint-green, low-cut silk top and a white-tiered skirt, carried a matching clutch, and wore a pair of Silver Leather Sergio Rossie Peep-Toe Platform Slingbacks. The picture of Jessica was taken on May 17, 2012 in New York at The CW Network's 2012 Upfront. She wore a cute black dress, and a pair of Blue Suede Platform Pumps. The picture of Minka was taken on March 15, 2012 in West Hollywood at The Dinner To Celebrate Brad Goreski's Book Launch. She wore a cute floral dress, and a pair of Black Peep-Toe Platform Pumps. The picture of Shay was taken on May 2, 2012 at The ABC Family West Coast Upfronts. She wore a pair of Rich Burgundy Suede Platform Pumps with spikes on the back of the heel. I love all four of these incredible ladies, and think that they all look amazing in these pictures. I hope that all of you think so too, and enjoy this post.

Danira, Rachel, Raquel & Yola All Wearing Heels

These are pictures of four very beautiful young ladies Danira, Rachel, Raquel & Yola all wearing sexy pairs of high heels. Danira who is from the blog "Danira's Fashion World" is wearing a pink blazer, a white top, & pair of black jeggings from Charlotte Russe. She is also carrying a black purse which she got as a gift, and a pair of Pink Suede Platform Pumps from Shiekh. Rachel who is from the blog "Da Paura" is wearing a blue wool coat from SheInside, a bronze top from Goodnight Macaroon, a blue skirt from H&M, a brown purse, & a pair of Teal Suede Betsey Johnson 'Gemmma' Platform Pumps. Raquel who is from the blog "Our Favorite Style." She is wearing a pink shirt, & pair of floral shorts from Zara. She is also carrying a brown Tory Burch bag, and wearing a pair of Orange & Purple Zara Ankle-Strap Sandals. Yola who is from the blog "Yola Thorp" is wearing a beautiful dress from Zara, carrying a yellow clutch from Gap, and wearing a pair of Brown Leopard Sam Edelman Sandals. I think that all four of these ladies look absolutely incredible in these pictures. I hope that all of you think so too, and enioy this post.

Danira, Rachel, Raquel & Yola All Wearing Heels

These are pictures of four very beautiful young ladies Danira, Rachel, Raquel & Yola all wearing sexy pairs of high heels. Danira who is from the blog "Danira's Fashion World" is wearing a pink blazer, a white top, & pair of black jeggings from Charlotte Russe. She is also carrying a black purse which she got as a gift, and a pair of Pink Suede Platform Pumps from Shiekh. Rachel who is from the blog "Da Paura" is wearing a blue wool coat from SheInside, a bronze top from Goodnight Macaroon, a blue skirt from H&M, a brown purse, & a pair of Teal Suede Betsey Johnson 'Gemmma' Platform Pumps. Raquel who is from the blog "Our Favorite Style." She is wearing a pink shirt, & pair of floral shorts from Zara. She is also carrying a brown Tory Burch bag, and wearing a pair of Orange & Purple Zara Ankle-Strap Sandals. Yola who is from the blog "Yola Thorp" is wearing a beautiful dress from Zara, carrying a yellow clutch from Gap, and wearing a pair of Brown Leopard Sam Edelman Sandals. I think that all four of these ladies look absolutely incredible in these pictures. I hope that all of you think so too, and enioy this post.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Factors that Lead to Osteoporosis at a Young Age

Beware of osteoporosis is often labeled as a disease of the elderly, does not mean that the younger can not be affected by this disease. Factors that lead to osteoporosis at a young age. For example, if a person's level of estrogen hormone in young women is not enough, physically inactive, and the consumption of certain drugs that can affect bone metabolism that decreased bone mass.

If the amount of calcium in a person's body is reduced, the body secretes hormones that will take calcium from other parts of the body, including those in the bone. Therefore, the body should be assisted by a high intake of foods that contain calcium.

Calcium intake every day when they should be as much as 1000 mg of calcium per day should consume as much as 1000 mg of calcium. To meet these needs, milk and fish is the right choice of food sources.

Risk of consumption of certain drugs that can affect bone density. Such, drugs that contain steroids, which are generally given for asthma. These drugs can be used as long as there are clear medical indications and monitored by a physician.

How to Through Exercise, Without Fitness Equipment

Trying to find an alternative exercise without gym equipment. Because you are not a member at the gym, does not mean you can not undergo an exercise program. There are how to through exercise, without fitness equipment. Because exercise programs are also not always require gym equipment. Can utilize their own body weight as a "burden" during rehearsals.

How to start an exercise program, first you need to consider is knowing the condition yourself. Would you like to dine and entertain relationships while out of town, or try the local food while on vacation? Almost certainly, the answer is "yes".

So, make a plan for exercise, for example:
ensure that you spend a little time to exercise every day. Although exercise will not seintens time with a personal trainer at the gym, at least will help you to keep running the exercise habit. In addition, light exercise helps burn energy coming from a variety of meals that you attended.

Try to do a program compiled by Michelle Mason, personal trainer from Quick Fitness in Brooklyn, New York, and author on this site Fitness Michelle Mason. In just 30 minutes, you can maximize your workouts by burning more fat. Without the need for a special room, or gym equipment such as the gym.

1. Warm up for five minutes of jogging, or walking in place while doing jumping jacks (melompatkan feet to the left and right, clapping his hands above his head).

2. Do the under one by one, and only stopped when it is needed. To resolve this one motion, you should only take five minutes.

* Squats or jump squats, 15-20 reps.

* Front lunges forward and side lunges.

* Push-ups, 15-20 reps.

Fashion Highlights of Miranda Kerr

Uncover the charm of Miranda Kerr, who has beautiful appearance. On the runway or when it was getting to the gym, one of the "fashion models" Victoria's Secret is still dressed chic and edgy. Wonderful, Miranda Kerr do it as if without effort at all. What he does is pick only outfit carefully, and combines the trendy and classic. Just look at the evidence. That's what makes it interesting to see the fashion highlights of Miranda Kerr.

Denim shorts and printed t-shirt. Its appearance is very casual glance, but Miranda boldly combining t-shirt and her Balenciaga boots that are both patterned print. She complements his performance with a bucket of Alexander Wang bag that can carry lots of stuff, but do not make it look "heavy".

Maxi dress. Maxi dresses are so excellent for this holiday season, but again the mother of Flynn (1) is still seen protruding through the stack model maksinya dress. Sunglasses her cat-eye style create a more glamorous, while her Hermes bag is orange-pink to give the feel of a younger and fresher.

Floral pants. Miranda is not afraid to experiment! She knows that the key is to wear a patterned print combine with other neutral colored clothing. To print flower-patterned capri pants from Celine is dikombinasikannya with a gray top that is simple, pointed-toe pumps nude color, and cranberry colors Louis Vuitton handbag.

Ladylike dress. Wife of actor Orlando Bloom is to create the appearance of Jackie Onassis-style silk dress with a red fruit-punch of the ALC accented with a hole in his neck line, platform shoes from Balenciaga is also worn with a t-shirt and denim shorts before, and the nude color bag from Alexander Wang studded.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Menthol Cigarettes Increases The Risk of Stroke.

Smoking dangers that threaten the health of the heart and blood vessels. Recent studies indicate, dangers of menthol cigarettes increases the risk of stroke. Menthol cigarette smoking is often considered a mild, but even more dangerous.

As published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers claim that those who choose menthol cigarettes tend to be at greater risk of stroke than non-menthol cigarettes vacuum. According to the study of Canadian scientists, the real risk of stroke was found in women and their menthol smokers from non-African ancestry.
Authors of the study also suggested that menthol cigarettes really be avoided in order to reduce the risk of stroke. One important thing, all kinds of cigarettes should be avoided because it may pose a risk of disease.

"Everything was bad, it was said. From the perspective of harm reduction, this study suggests to avoid cigarettes, at least a kind of menthol," said Nicholas Vozoris, clinic staff at St Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada.

In his study, Vozoris using information taken from the lifestyle and health survey that included 5028 adult smokers. The survey was conducted between 2001 and 2008. Overall, 26 percent of respondents stated that they used to smoke menthol cigarettes, and the remaining non-menthol cigarette smoke.
Some experts argue, menthol easier for people to begin to learn to smoke and more difficult to stop because it's hard to disguise the smell of tobacco.

Among the sucking of menthol cigarettes, as much as 3.4 percent said they had suffered a stroke. Meanwhile, as much as 2.7 percent menthol smokers without stroke. After controlling for factors such as gender, ethnicity, and age of smokers, as well as the number of cigarettes smoked, Vozoris concluded that menthol cigarettes vacuum twice the risk of stroke than those who smoked non-menthol. The difference is very obvious in women and smokers of other than African-American tribe.

Among study participants, stroke three times more common among menthol cigarette-sucking. Even so, Vozoris said the study could not prove menthol cigarettes have resulted in an increased risk of stroke, and not the immeasurable difference between the vacuum and without menthol menthol cigarettes.

The study also said that menthol cigarettes are not associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, or heart attack, compared with a standard cigarette.

President of the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Director of the Section of Cardiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Gordon Tomaselli argues, these studies have demonstrated the link between menthol smoking and risk of stroke, but not associated with high blood pressure.

According Vozoris, may contain menthol in cigarette smoke have more severe effects on blood vessels, particularly vessels that supply oxygen to the brain.