Joker is an upcoming Hindi fantasy adventure film to be the second 3-D Hindi film, and the first 3D film directed by Shirish Kunder The film will star Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinhaas the first actors to be seen in a three dimensional format in Hindi Cinema. Earlier, in 1993, the Hindi film which came in 3D format was Chhota Chetan, which is a voice-dubbed version of the 1983 Malayalam 3D film, My Dear Kuttichathan.
A film directed by Vikram Tuli, to be shot in January and February 2011, had the tentative titleJoker but will now have a different title.
Theres's some good news for AK fans, coming soon is the Akshay-Sonakshi starrer, Joker.
1. A Sci-Fi
Joker is being directed by Shirish Kunder and is touted as Bollywood's first 3D action film.
2. Also Starring...
This has been a dream project for Shirish who is the co-producer of the movie too. The film also has Shreyas Talpade and Minissha Lamba in a supporting role.3. Underdogs Turn Kick Ass
Shirish Kunder, describes the movie as a 'tale of underdogs fighting for victory, treated throughout with kick-ass humor and some sci-fi.'
4. Two Different Looks For AK
Akshay will be seen in two different looks in the film. 'One is the local look in which he will be sporting a typical Indian dhoti etc�, the other a western look in causal cool attire.'5. Villages Turn Mod
From the first glance it appears that Akshay and Sonakshi play a village couple. Shreyas Talpade plays Akshay's younger brother. Minissha Lamba plays Talpade's love interest, a TV reporter.
6. Slim Sonakshi
It seems Sonakshi has to knock off inches for Joker. Her role demands a fit and toned body. She has begun her workouts with Yasmin as preparation for the movie,' a source tells.==========
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