Mausam (English: Season) is an upcoming Hindi language film directed and written by Pankaj Kapur under the Vistaar Religare Film Fund banner. The film stars Shahid Kapoor oppositeSonam Kapoor along with Pankaj Kapur. The film will mark the first time that Shahid Kapoor has been in a film opposite his father, Pankaj Kapur. It is also Pankaj Kapur's directorial debut film. The film will be shot in London, Edinburgh, Switzerland and India. Some of the night scenes were shot at ND Studios, where the streets of Scotland were re-created, after which they shot for a day at Film City. The cast and crew left for Switzerland around 24 April 2011 for their last schedule. The trailer will release with Ready and the music will release on June 17th. The film is slated for release on July 22, 2011.
Star Cast
- Shahid Kapoor Harry
- Sonam Kapoor Aayat
- Anupam Kher
- Supriya Pathak
- Aditi Sharma
- Ankit Mohan RA
Shahid Kapoor fell from a giant wheel, though luckily not from a great height. He was taken to the doctor immediately and had been advised two days of rest. Shooting resumed on May 20th, 2011 and went on until May 25th, 2011.
- Directed by Pankaj Kapur
- Produced by Sheetal Vinod Talwar Sunil Lulla
- Music by Pritam
- Release date(s) July 22, 2011
- Country India
- Language Hindi