Can you really make the cover of Shape magazine and not workout at the gym?
Angie Harmon is the cover model for the new issue of Shape magazine, and the byline reads, "Angie Harmon How she got this body. No gym. No Trainer." In the magazine article, Angie says she keeps her great shape through weekend activities like swimming, hiking, and bike rides with her two girls and hubbie Jason Seaborn.
Okay, I love Angie Harmon as an actress. I really loved her as fiesty ADA Abby Carmichael on Law & Order, and the Women's Murder Club is alright. But, for her to say that she stays this skinny with just fun family activities is kinda fantasy land, and not really a good article for Shape magazine. I mean isn't the whole point of Shape to help us stay fit and healthy through exercise, food, and well being.
I think Angie just has a erally high metabolism and is one of those ladies who is just naturally on the thin side. Again, I don't know her personally and for all we know she doesn't eat much. When actresses say they stay magazine cover thin by not working out I tend to call shenanigans. What do you all think?