Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz Red Carpet Interview
Congrats to our 75th Follower Pricessalexandraa!!

Hi Princessalexandraa, you have been selected as one our random winners for becoming one of our followers!! Congrats number 75!!! Please contact us at to claim your twilight prize! Thank you for joining us and we hope you keep enjoying our blog!
Who will be our next winner??
~House Mother Nessa
New Moon Official Trailer is up!
Best Movie Award goes to Twilight!!!!!

Best Female goes to Kristen Stewart!!!!
Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart Win Best Kiss!!
Robert Pattinson Wins Breakthrough Performance Male!!!
Twilight Wins Best Fight at MTV Video Awards
MTV Movie Award - Twilight Cast Seating Arrangement Change

There's still time to vote for Twilight!!!

Twilight and cast members are up for 7 awards which include, Best Movie - Twilight, Best Breakthrough Male Performance - Robert Pattinson, Best Breakthrough Male Performance - Taylor Lautner, Best Female Performance - Kristen Stewart, Best Kiss - Robert Pattison & Kristen Stewart, Best Fight - Robert Pattinson & Cam Gigandet and Best Song from a Movie - Paramour - Decode (see below, its a FANTASTIC song and a great video!!)
Last but certainly not least the MOST highly anticipated part of the evening (besides seeing our beloved Rob) will be (hopefully) steamy trailer of New Moon. Click here to see the clip yet again...
"It's my birthday," says Bella (Best Actress nominee Kristen Stewart) as she pulls up in her iconic truck. "Can I ask for something?" Considering her words carefully, Edward looks at his true love. As the music swells, a close-up on KStew reveals her big line: "Kiss me." To the delight of a million Twilighters, Edward Cullen obliges her with a deep smooch that could very well be nominated for next year's Best Kiss award. And then, Bella punctuates the point by taking their forbidden relationship to the next level. "I love you," she says, closing out the clip. heart is pounding yet again, I don't even have to watch the clip. I don't know how I'm going to make it to November.
The MTV Movie Awards will air TONIGHT 9PM Eastern, 8PM Central, 7PM Mountain, 6PM Pacific ( I think that should cover it!)
Please please PLEASE ...don't forget to keep voting for "Twilight" <<<---YES THATS THE LINK!!! CLICK ON IT!!! Source
Friday, May 29, 2009
Andy Samberg Loves Twilight!

In a recent interview with Access Hollywood, Andy had this to say about Twilight:
“I’ve seen ‘Twilight’ once. But I’ve seen scenes from ‘Twilight’ many times in my dreams. You know what I mean? In a lot of ways I see ‘Twilight’ constantly every day, because once you see it, it stays with you forever.”
But where is his alliance – with Team Edward or Team Jacob?
“Edward all the way,” Andy told E!. “He’s steamy!”
I knew I loved him for a reason. Let's see a digital short based on Twilight, Andy!
Robert Pattinson Day Declared for June 20th

NEW VIDEO: Shirtless Robert Pattinson Films Sexy Scene For New Moon!
NEW VIDEO: Shirtless Robert Pattinson Films Sexy Scene For New Moon!
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Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Are So NOT Shagging

"As far as I know, I'm gonna say bulls--t," Billy Burke told E! Online at Melanie Segal's MTV Movie Awards gift suite. "I'm not buying it. Please!"
"He's a goofball," Billy said about Rob's real personality. "If people knew how much of a goofball he was, they wouldn't be falling all over the place. He doesn't take it all too seriously."
Happy Birthday, Justin Chon!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
June is Twilight Sisterhood Rush Month!!!
Back in February the first class of Sisters pledged the Twilight Sisterhood. About 20 or so of us had a great month! We want YOU to pledge next month. Don't worry if you are not in Southern California, we know we have sisters world wide and have come up with ways to get around the distance via the World Wide Web! :D
We have some fun tasks planned for June, but first things first:
Go to our forum here, read the directions, and declare your desire to pledge the Twilight Sisterhood!!!
You must PLEDGE by May 31st, 2009 by 10:00 p.m. Pacific Time! No exceptions! If you miss the deadline, the next Rush Month will be held in October!
Twilight's Dr. Cullen meets Nurse Jackie's Dr. Coopers
Robward Cullitar for Guitar Hero?

I spotted this on and had to share with our readers, as well. This is the coolest thing since the implementation of air conditioning in the desert. One of their readers had a friend custom create a "skin" for her Guitar Hero guitar with pics of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen and one from his GQ photoshoot.
Says Holly:
"A very good friend of mine who owns a graphic/printing company made me this awesome custom design for my Guitar Hero guitar. He combined two of my loves, Robert Pattinson and Guitar Hero :) I thought it turned out awesome and I wanted to share it with you. We call it the Cullitar."
I've never even played Guitar Hero, but I would so buy this in a heartbeat. Psst...Holly, I think your friend ought to jump on the Twilight bandwagon, he could make a mint off of these!
Official New Moon Trailer to Debut on MTV Movie Awards Show
Twilight is leading the pack with 7 nominations at this year's awards show including Best Movie, Best Female Performance for Kristen Stewart and Best Breakthrough Male Performance for both Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. No offense, Taycob, but I really want to see Rob accept that award!
Voting has closed for all categories, except Best Movie which can be voted on up until showtime on Sunday evening at 9pm ET (6pm PT). Don't forget to set your DVR's, so you can pause, rewind and slow mo through your favorite Rob moments. ;)
'TwiLite:A Parody' Pokes Fun at Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight'

Amanda has this to say about the 165 page book that parodies Stephenie Meyer's Twilight:
Initially flustered by competing urges to either slap Jenner in the face or to award him some sort of medal for hilarity, a few lingering reminiscent laughs have led me to the resounding conclusion that Twilite is, indeed, quite a good read for fans of Meyer’s series (that is, those with an elastic imagination and a daft sense of humor).
The first few pages, to say the least, are disorienting. Twilite submerges the reader, without pause, into the zany world that is Sporks, Washington – a droll place, for sure. Propelling the characters into virtually unrecognizable beings, at times, Twilite takes the Twilight fan out of his or her zone of comfort and thrusts him or her into the life and mindset of the less-than-stellar Stella Crow as she pursues the very weird Edweird. The plot mirrors the story in Twilight (albeit loosely), but the Twilite journey is quite distinct. Once past the initial shock of the cataclysmic distinction between, say, the Cullens and the Sullens, the book is a snort-wrenching laugh-fest.
Jenner's site is a hysterical must visit, filled with exerpts from the book such as this "First glimpse of Dr. Carpile Sullen, M.D.":
“Is she…dead?” asked Dr. Carpile Sullen, visiting surgeon at Sporks Community Medical Hospital. Dr. Sullen had just entered my hospital room, carrying a clipboard and a book of Mad Libs.
I sat up from my bed and put down the New York Times bestseller An Idiots Guide to Vampires and Werewolves. I looked up at the doctor, feebly forcing a smile on my face.
“I kid, I kid!” He blurted out, laughing so hard that his copy of Cracked Magazine flew out of his hand. “Hey, you don’t get an honorary medical degree from Sporks Community College Correspondence Medical School and Male Modeling University without developing a sense of humor.”
Dr. Sullen then pivoted around to examine himself in the full-length mirror attached to the closet door. He pouted his perfect plump lips, ran his hands through his brown, wavy hair, admiring his perfectly tanned complexion. He adjusted his Speedo under his cotton shorts, and ran his hands up and down his freshly shaven, ultra smooth legs. He smiled and winked at his own reflection. He was looking oh-so-fine, and he knew it. What was most puzzling to me, though, was why he was wearing shorts in the winter.
Make sure you stop by Jenner's TwiLite site to read the rest of the book's exerpts and to purchase the "book you can sink your teeth into" for $11.65 via Amazon. Also check Amanda's Examiner page for the remainder of her first hand review.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fan Made New Moon Reunion Video
Thanks to TwiCrack Addict for the heads up!
More Rob Pattinson New Moon Shots

And my personal favorite:

New Pics from New Moon Set!

Holy moly... it's like's Christmas came early!