Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Moon Campanion has ARRIVED!

The New Moon Campanion has been released!! A lucky member of Twifans posted many pictures and revealed some spoilers. So head out to your nearest Walmart for this little gem. I sadly have to wait till the weekend.

I know everyone sobbed when Edward left Bella, sadly I didn't. I knew I was sad and felt bad but I didn't cry. Please tell me why did I start to bawling when I say this from the NM Campanion?

Okay, This is non-New Moon related but I have to say this..... I'm read FF# Emancipation Proclaimation, this photo reminds me of Mafia-Carilsle.....so sexy!!

Edward fighting makes me giddy for NOVEMBER!!

Source: Twifans, New Moon Org & TwiCrack addict.