Search Engine Optimization is an essential part of today’s online business dealings. It can boost your business transactions and productivity. As the number of people viewing your business website increases, there is a big possibility that the sales of your product will also increase. Search engine optimization is widely used now. For beginners however, it is important to learn the basic terms in search engine optimization. You don’t have to be tech savvy to know all these stuff.
1. LANDING PAGE – A landing page is the page that appears as a visitor opens your website. You must make sure that all the contents of this page including the title, are keyword-rich so that web spiders can easily detect them. Also, you must make your content interesting so that visitors will stay longer in the site.
2. LOADING TIME – The loading time is also a vital consideration in the SEO process because it has been proven that if a site takes minutes or longer to open, the visitor transfers to another site instead.
3. LINKS – Your web site should also have the appropriate links. A link connects the visitor to a particular keyword or topic usually within the site. Provide visitors with internal links that will make their inquiry easier and not otherwise. Also, always make sure that your links still work. Links that do not work will affect the integrity of your site.
4. CONTENT – You should also be particular with your content. Make your content updated and worth reading so that visitors will remember your site. Remember also to put your keywords in the appropriate portions of the content. Another thing is that if the visitor finds your site content excellent, he or she will recommend it to his/her friends thus making your site a favorite place to visit.