It took 11 bakerys before they found someone willing to take on the project of a Twilight birthday cake, what it turned out to be was a completely awesome 'Eclipse" cake that looks like the front of the book jacket. Needless to say I was completely thrilled. Not only was the cake amazing to look atbut it tasted fantastic as well! So THANK YOU to the wonderful lady at Kroger that did not let us down.
I have a super friend named Tanya and although she does not support my 'Twilight addiction' she understands it. Check out the goods I got from her!
Last but ot least my group of amazing friends that all showed up to celebrate with me. Thank you all and I Love you! You made a birthday I was NOT looking forward to into something I will never forget.
I'm in the blue...just incase u wanted to know and hubby's on the left!