Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Pics from the LA Twilight Convention!

Our very own TS Sister, @Miss_Canio had the privilege to sit in the 2nd row at the Q&A panel with Rob, Kristen and Taylor.
And was nice enough to share her photos!
Um....hold on to your panties....Rob has the ability to melt them off!!
LOL Enjoy!!
You rock!!
My god he's HAWT!!

Are you pretending he's staring at you?

Cause I know I am!
Pretty sure he was saying something interesting but I was just staring at is hands.....just sayin'!
I love the little boy smile!

Duck face!! LOL loves when he makes funny face!

Taylor holding his own!

The question: What do you think of June gloom?

Answer: Its gloomy.