Today the Sisterhood reached out to followers and friends and began to "meet" all the Twi-Tweeters out there! I really met some AMAZING ladies today! I look forward to meeting many more of you! On Twitter I announced that all new followers and well why not ALL of our followers would have the opportunity to win an EDWARD CULLEN PILLOWCASE! The contest is simple! You must be a follower and you will need to place your comment as to explain: "I DESERVE TO SLEEP WITH EDWARD CULLEN BECAUSE..."
Be creative ladies! I have several to give away! I also have some other prizes to give if many of you turn out to be so damn funny! Give us your best ladies! We aren't shy here in the sisterhood so don't worry! Let's see what you got! GOOD LUCK and have fun!! Thanks to all of new followers on Twitter and our Blog!
***Enter your entry/comment in this posting to qualify! Followers from around the world are welcomed to participate! If you win, I will ship you your prize no matter where you live! That's how we roll!***