Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Moon On Set - From a Twilight Super Fan's Perspective

I think out of all the fan related articles and postings I have read this two-day perspective of an MSN Super Fan is by far one of the most insightful I have ever read (IMO). This Super Fan takes you on set and into the world of New Moon giving in depth descriptions of the props, sets and cast. It's like jumping in feet first in to the Volturis lair. (Scary thought huh??) With this fan's descriptions you can actually visualize Rob in all his aching Edward glory walking right by you without the need of a picture.

This two day journey takes you into the lair of the Volturi, Edwards apparitions and even an interview with Taylor Lautner. There is behind the scenes commentary, lunch with vampires and so much more! This Super Fan really did get the chance of a life time. If only we were all so lucky. Check out the entire article and more here.