Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The cast of the Runaways

Today I've been showing posting the latest pictures of Kristen Stewart's new look for the Joan Jett biopic The Runaways and the latest cast member Alessandra Torresani.
Just looking at the pictures of The 'REAL' Runaways vs. the actors potraying them, just gets me excited. So far the casting is pretty dead on, I think it will be a good movie and give people an insight on this iconic band.
Joan Jett
Kristen Stewart as Joan Jett Cherie Currie
Dakota Fannig as Cherie Currie

Lita Ford
Alessandra Torresani as Lita Ford
Sandy West (Sandy passed away in 2006)
Stella Maeve as Sandy West
I know I've been talking about this all day long but sorry when I get excited I have to share. Blame the pictures of Kristen's new hair.