Friday, June 12, 2009

"Hey, Bobby, We Like Your Music!"

Radar Online recently spoke with Bobby Long, co-writer of the now infamous 'Let Me Sign' sung by pal Robert Pattinson on the Twilight iTunes soundtrack. The following is a brief exerpt of that exclusive interview.

Feeling the pressure of fame, Rob has been talking recently how he much the attention has changed his life, but Bobby doesn't seem to have that problem yet. "It hasn't changed a lot for me on a day to day basis, I'm still the same person and I don't get recognized, but people come to my shows and as a musician it's really nice to know to know when you play a show people out there are going to know your songs and recognize you as a musician, that's as much as you can really ask for I think." As for how the group of friends deal with the fame Bobby says, "I've always looked at stuff in a positive way; I find things funny, it's better than a kick in the teeth isn't it? I'd rather have somebody walking up to me and saying I like your music rather than somebody walking up to you and smacking you in the face." Bobby, we can't imagine anyone would want to smack you in the face!

Fans of Let Me Sign might be surprised to know that Bobby doesn't play that song. "I never ever played that song. I played it before with Marcus, the guy I wrote it with and we gave it to Rob, but since then I haven't played it. A real cool thing that has happened since then is people know my other songs and I've never, ever been asked to play that song. So I just play my own stuff." Bobby has a lot of new songs, and even a new favorite song. "I think my favorite is a new song that I wrote today, it's a love song called Cold, Cold Loving. It's always the case that the last song you write is your favorite song; it's like having a new child. I've got two little sisters; I was shunned at the door as soon as my sisters were brought home. The last song you write is the one you love, I love Cold, Cold Loving, it's the freshest one." was curious if this was a song based on his personal experience and who was giving him cold, cold love but with typical British dry wit, Bobby says that he doesn't want to share why he writes what he writes. "I think the best thing is to leave the interpretation of the song to the listener. Then it is personal for them. If I was going around telling people about my songs I think it would get quite boring for them."

There is much more to the interview which you can read HERE. And be sure to stop by Bobby's MySpace page to listen to his music as well as visit iTunes to download & gift 'Left to Lie' and 'Being a Mockingbird' Live.